The Gerardo Gallery...of DOOM! hehe

This is what happens when you re-name SQUALL from Final Fantasy 8 "Gerardo". I was, of course, naming him after Gerardo the singer from the early 90's. he did the song "Rico Suave". so this is funny in itself. but it had some really funny quotes, much like the poonie gallery did. so here you go!

Mr Rico Suave Himself, the REAL Gerardo!

Why so it is! Imagine That!
Evidently Gerardo shops at the JC Penney home store. He shops for blinds! *rimshot*
S'up indeed.
I noticed that when you made the Rico Suave video. *cracks up*
What an odd thing to ask a pop star...
Gerardo: You mean princess POONIE??? *laff* SURE WILL! *scampers off*
Well then you shoulda written more songs! Durr
Well then. I do believe they're d00med. yep. d00med.
Selphie is a BIG fan of Gerardo.
Poor thing. this was probably a problem in 1992... but nowadays???
Originally it said "no shirt... bad kinda like YOU Gerardo!"
He's probably bitter cuz his song sucked.