my home page was just too cluttered with junk. so, this is where i put my links. it's easier to find stuff now.
My Friends web pages

Wazoo Productions
Alana's site!
Simply Moist, my cousin Matthew's page.
Erin's Gazebo of Justice! my sister Erin's page
Nina's site!
Ichigo's site (very cool!)
my Friend Cloudweapon's site.
KochiPoik's site
Laban's site.
Jackie's PWN website! I designed it! and i did most of the codes myself, thanks to Fizixman. and the rest is up to Jackie!
Other Cool Sites
Homestar Runner

Nad's! (an Australian Hair removal gel. lol Why not?)
gratuitous carrot porn! hehehe
Hats of Meat the weirdest thing i've ever seen on the internet.
Beef-A-Roo! (a restaurant in Illinois.. Ichigo works there! (that and the name is really funny!)
a really Funny COmic, "Something Positive" a really REALLY funny site. hard to describe, so just go look!
The Colossal Colon! (rent it for YOUR next event!
Something Awful! (the whole site rocks, make sure you check out "Photoshop Phridays.)
Real Ultimate Power! a really funny site about Ninjas, and the canadians that love them.
Queen Of Wands. Great webcomic. you should check it out!