sometimes our people get letters from their "parents" who we moved away from. this is one of them.. how.. disturbing...
another one. wash your knees??? ack.
Evil cabbages? aren't ALL cabbages evil? or am i the only one that gets attacked in the night.... *shudder*
this is one that fang (the wolf) got. we don't know at all what this is about...
i'm not sure what pudge was TRYING to say but i think he may have failed. but pizza rolls RULE
Roy has another town, and he's got another guy in it. named Roy also. so i made him write this letter to the Roy in MY town. odd...
Terra (a friend of Roy's) had Snake in HEr town. this letter was written when Snake lived in HER town.
I guess animals can write A.D.D letters too. wow. +3 points for Amelia!!